

Beyond Treason: Depleted Uranium & Anthrax Vaccines [Full Film]

FIlm discusses how United States government has betrayed our soldiers through the use of chemical weapons, but did not educate or  provide protection to solders. In addition, millions of innocent Iraqis have suffered disease, deformities and death from the USA’s use of chemical weapons. Film discusses how USA sold to Iraq many of the weapons, which the USA later used as an reason for invading Iraq. I doubt our “brave” Peter King, Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, will be investigating this.

June 19, 2011 Posted by | CIA, democracy, education, genocide, George W. Bush, Iraq, Kurds, media, Muslim, Peter King, politics, Saddam Hussein, terrorism, Uncategorized, United States, video, war criminal, weapons | Leave a comment

Iraq: a free and sovereign state?

The Illusion of Dividing and Conquering in Iraq
by Ron Jacobs

If anyone still believes that Iraq is a free and sovereign state, a couple recent moves in Washington should put a rest to that thought forever. The first is the response to the most recent slaughter by the Blackwater mercenaries. The second is the vote on September 26, 2007 in the US Senate that calls for the division of Iraq into semi-autonomous regions that would be decided by the US client government inside Baghdad’s Green Zone.

The response to the Blackwater murders from the Green Zone government was strong at first. The Minister of the Interior demanded the exit of the mercenaries from Iraq and possible prosecution of the murderers. Then the pressure from Washington began and the forceful language from the Green Zone Iraqis became considerably more conciliatory. As it stands at this writing, the Iraqi legislature is considering passing a law that would make the private mercenaries fighting Washington’s war in Iraq the responsibility of the Pentagon. This would mean that they would answer to the men in uniform wearing lots of medals. It doesn’t mean that their murderous actions would be punished, but it would mean that they would have to be sanctioned by the Pentagon. Given that there seems to be very few US military officers of high rank whose careers are not tied to Washington’s version of success in Iraq, this change in the command chain seems like it will make very little difference in how the Blackwaters of the war operate.

See rest of article at

September 29, 2007 Posted by | genocide, Iraq, politics, United States, war criminal | Leave a comment

“Freedom Next Time” Speech by John Pilger

He gives a history of U.S. foreign policy and the role of the media.

John Pilger – Freedom Next Time Part 1
Most memorable line: “John Wayne their hero had lied so he wouldn’t have to fight in World War II. Yet the phony role model of Wayne [in the movie The Green Berets] sent thousands of young Americans to their deaths in Vietnam with the notable exception of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.”

John Pilger – Freedom Next Time Part 2
Most memorable lines : “In the last half century, United States administrations have overthrown 50 governments; many of them democracies. In the process 30 countries have been attacked and bombed with a loss of countless lives.”

Here is Pilger’s website

September 22, 2007 Posted by | Britain, democracy, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, John Pilger, John Wayne, media, politics, United States, Vietnam, war, war criminal, war on terror | Leave a comment

Those who blow whistle on contractor fraud in Iraq face penalties

Corruption has long plagued Iraq reconstruction. Hundreds of projects may never be finished, including repairs to the country’s oil pipelines and electricity system. Congress gave more than $30 billion to rebuild Iraq, and at least $8.8 billion of it has disappeared, according to a government reconstruction audit.

Despite this staggering mess, there are no noble outcomes for those who have blown the whistle, according to a review of such cases by The Associated Press.

”If you do it, you will be destroyed,” said William Weaver, professor of political science at the University of Texas-El Paso and senior advisor to the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition.

”Reconstruction is so rife with corruption. Sometimes people ask me, ‘Should I do this?’ And my answer is no. If they’re married, they’ll lose their family. They will lose their jobs. They will lose everything,” Weaver said.

They have been fired or demoted, shunned by colleagues, and denied government support in whistleblower lawsuits filed against contracting firms.

”The only way we can find out what is going on is for someone to come forward and let us know,” said Beth Daley of the Project on Government Oversight, an independent, nonprofit group that investigates corruption. ”But when they do, the weight of the government comes down on them. The message is, ‘Don’t blow the whistle or we’ll make your life hell.’

”It’s heartbreaking,” Daley said. ”There is an even greater need for whistleblowers now. But they are made into public martyrs. It’s a disgrace. Their lives get ruined.”

Bunnatine ”Bunny” Greenhouse knows this only too well. As the highest-ranking civilian contracting officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, she testified before a congressional committee in 2005 that she found widespread fraud in multibillion-dollar rebuilding contracts awarded to former Halliburton subsidiary KBR.

Soon after, Greenhouse was demoted. She now sits in a tiny cubicle in a different department with very little to do and no decision-making authority, at the end of an otherwise exemplary 20-year career.

People she has known for years no longer speak to her.

complete article here  It’s written by DEBORAH HASTINGS, AP National Writer, August 24, 2007

August 25, 2007 Posted by | aid, democracy, George W. Bush, Iraq, natural resources, oil, politics, Saddam Hussein, terrorism, Uncategorized, United States, war, war criminal, war on terror, weapons | Leave a comment

Would you donate to a charity that is associated with the war criminal Henry Kissinger?

What about a charity associated with Madeline Albright? She is the former U.S Secretary of State who when asked by Lesley Stahl about U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it.

Henry Kissinger and Madeline Albright are listed in the International Rescue Committee’s website as “Overseers.” See
Look at what this article, concerning the Congo, says about the International Rescue Committee (IRC):

A UN Panel of Experts in a recent report challenged many airlines and companies for undertaking illicit flights (illegal, secret, unregistered, or falsely registered) into and out of the DRC. One of many notable companies apparently connected to Victor Bout’s arms trafficking networks is Simax, an Oregon-based company using an address in Sierra Leone. However, the UN Panel of Experts has once again ignored certain western agencies —with histories of illicit activities —whose flights remain equally surreptitious and unaccountable. At the
top of the list is the International Rescue Committee (IRC)—whose directors include Henry Kissinger and whose flights in and out of the Congo and internal flights to and from isolated airports in eastern DRC are completely unmonitored by MONUC arms embargo inspectors. In Bukavu, for example, all light aircraft are subject to MONUC arms embargo inspections, but IRC flights are not within the MONUC mandate.

Complete article at

August 21, 2007 Posted by | Africa, charities, Congo, genocide, Henry Kissenger, International Rescue Committee, Iraq, Madeline Albright, Uncategorized, war, war criminal | 1 Comment